This study was made on an afternoon poodle walk with Kayla and Maleko:
It builds on this type of work. I have started to think of this body of work in terms of a photo-poetics and an artist's book whose working title is 'Inside Silence.'
This study was made on an afternoon poodle walk with Kayla and Maleko:
It builds on this type of work. I have started to think of this body of work in terms of a photo-poetics and an artist's book whose working title is 'Inside Silence.'
Quartz and granite along the coast between Petrel Cove andKings beacon the southern Fleurieu Peninsula.
This granite study was made on a poodlewalk just before I came down with a severe cold after the Mallee road trip and the wild, stormy winter weather set in.
I was with Kayla and Maleko and it was late in the afternoon and it was difficult to access. I am not sure that I would be able to re-photograph it with a film camera on a tripod.
Made whilst on an afternoon poodle walk over the long week end:
It was low tide so I was able to venture further out onto the reef.