The contrast between the dark granite and the orange seaweed along the southern Fleurieu peninsula coast is often quite striking:
This is a similar study to this one. It is a still life.
The contrast between the dark granite and the orange seaweed along the southern Fleurieu peninsula coast is often quite striking:
This is a similar study to this one. It is a still life.
This granite and quartz study was made whilst I was on an afternoon walk in Waitpinga with Maleko. We walked along Kings Beach, over, Kings Head, past the wilderness lodge, and down to the rocky outcrop close to the foot of the Newland Head cliffs.
We walked around the rocky outcrop so that I could try out my new digital camera--the Sony A7r111 in low light situations.
The morning after the heatwave in South Australia ended.
The cool change had came through during the night --it was a welcome sou'-westerly.
These pictures were made whilst I was on an early morning poodlewalk with Kayla.They were made just after sunrise.
This granite formation is part of the rocks on the western edge of Dep's Beach. It is a halfway point of a morning walk that I do when the light is soft--usually when there is cloud cover in the early morning:
I am intrigued by the shapes and textures in the early morning light.
Made on an early morning poodlewalk with Kayla:
Kayla found the dead bird lying on Dep's Beach. I bought its wing back to some granite rocks just west of Petrel Cove, which was still in shadow and set up an open air studio.