a broken shell

Found  amongst the coastal rocks at the end of Deps Beach, Victor Harbor:

I was on an early morning poodle walk with Ari and Kayla.  We were hanging about the rocks waiting for some walkers and trail bikers to move on from the beach. 

a light study #1

 One of the photographs  that I made towards the end of 2015. I've been taking the photographs  for the  littoral zone but not uploading them. 

This picture was made just after Xmas Day and before the summer holiday crowds on the coast put the beach and the coastal rocks off limits for our poodle walks. 

At the time I was attracted by the early morning summer light  just after sunrise. 

salt encrusted rock

I am taking lots more photos along  the coastal shore now that we are living own the coast at Encounter Bay, Victor Harbor. These are made during the morning and evening poodle walks with a digital camera (a Sony NEX-7) and I use them as a form a kind of visual diary. 

This salt encrusted rock is an example: 

I upload them to Lightroom and then look at them on the computer screen to see what works. In the past I'd go   back and reshoot with a film camera if the image worked.   But I don't anymore. I am happy just sticking with digital.