lichen + quartz

The close-up photo below is from a recent early morning poodlewalk with Maya amongst the coastal rocks between Petrel Cove and Kings Beach lookout in Waitpinga on the southern Fleurieu Peninsula: 

We  usually walk along the coastal path from Kings Beach Lookout towards Petrel Cove 40 minutes or so before sunrise.   Then we make our way back along the rocks after sunrise with the sun behind us.   There is only the odd dog walker on the coastal path  or a solitary fisherman on the rocks at that time of the morning. So it is easy to be in the moment whilst amongst the rocks.  

 Unfortunately, I  haven't done  many of these coastal walks during this autumn or winter  and so there is not been  much in the way of the coastal photography. What did catch my eye on this particular walk was the intensity of the colour of both the seaweed and the lichen.