salt pond #1

The hot dry weather has meant that the salt ponds  scattered along the coastline of the southern Fleurieu Peninsula have returned. They are very ephemeral.  Here today, gone tomorrow is their mode of existence.   

They are also difficult to photograph. It is very opportunistic.  


This fish skeleton was washed lying on the beach next to the Encounter Bay  boat ramp,  during the height of the recreational fishing in the summer holiday season in the early new year. 

This  happens each year. 

Quartz study

I have been wondering what to do with the body of  Littoral Zone images that I am continually photographing with a digital camera whilst I am on my  morning and evening poodle walks.

I have pretty much given  up  the idea of scoping and then going back to reshoot them with my film cameras , which is what  I used to.   There is just too many digital images now.  As a result the digital images keep on  building up in the iMac's hard drive.    

I don't have a project  with this body of work. Just a lot of images that I am unsure what to do with.